Moderator, “Study Day: Artists of the Cárdenas/Garcia Collection: Delilah Montoya, Yreina D. Cervántez, Margaret Garcia,” The Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX, April 2.

Curator in conversation, “Art & Radical Histories: A Conversation with Claudia Zapata,” Colby Museum of Art, Austin, TX, February 11.


Moderator, “Latine Masks in Art,” Latinfest ATX, Austin, TX, December 14.  

Panelist, “Radical Art and Mass Print Media in Cold War Brazil with Mari Rodríguez,” The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, November 19.

Moderator, “Fusebox Live: Los Outsiders,” Canopy, Austin, TX, October 24.

Moderator, “Kick-Off Party: Latino Art Month,” The Cathedral, Austin, TX, September 19.

Panelist, “Un encuentro con Changarrito/ An Encounter with Changarrito: A Conversation, Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, TX, June 22.

Scholar in conversation, “Art with an Expert: Al Rendón,” Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX, June 8.

Panelist, “The Arts and Civil Rights,” Mexican American Civil Rights Institute Symposium, San Antonio, TX, May 18.

Panelist, “Latino Art and Its Importance to our Community’s Progression in Social Awareness,” Big Medium, Austin, TX, May 17.

Panelist, “Curators in Conversation: Tere Romo and Claudia Zapata, Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, UC Davis, Davis, CA, April 13.

Moderator, “Study Day on Latino Prints: JV Decemvirale, Tatiana Reinoza, Tere Romo,” The Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX, March 29.

Speaker, “Latinx Art,” Exploring the Cultural Tapestry of the Mexican American Community in Downtown Austin: A Celebration of History, Art, and Community, Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin, TX, March 24.

Panelist, “Latinx Art: Curating and Shaping a Field,” College Art Association, Chicago, IL, February 16.


Speaker, “Self Help Graphics at 50: A Cornerstone of Latinx Art and Collaborative Artmaking,” Los Angeles Library, December 3.

Speaker, “Self Help Graphics at Fifty: A Cornerstone of Latinx Art and Collaborative Artmaking Book Event,” University of Minnesota, Online, November 9.

Keynote Speaker, “Claudia Zapata in Conversation with Jesus De La Rosa: A Rasquache Guide to the Art World,” Texas Association of Schools of Art Annual Conference 2023, Kingsville, October 20.

Panelist, Fall Season Celebration: Malaquias Montoya and the Legacies of a Printed Resistance, Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, UC Davis, Davis, CA, October 1.

Panelist, “A Celebration of Self Help Graphics at Fifty,” Caltech-Huntington Program in Visual Culture, Pasadena, CA, May 11.

Panelist, “¡Printing the Revolution!,” Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, April 27.


Moderator, “Enter the Burning Art Museum? Latinx Art histories as American or Latin American?,” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 5.

Keynote Speaker, The Power of Print Resistance, Revolution, & Resilience, Mid America Print Council (MAPC) Conference, Kent State University, Kent, OH, October 14.


Panelist, Double Take Online: Feast Your Eyes, Chuck Ramirez’s Breakfast Tacos, from the series Seven Days, with Steve Velasquez, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Online, May 25.

Moderator, Exhibition Talk: ¡Printing the Revolution! with E. Carmen Ramos and Ester Hernandez, Amon Carter Museum of Art, Fort Worth, TX, April 23.

MOderator, Paper Forum: Collecting the Revolution, Conversation with Drs. Harriett and Ricardo Romo, Amon Carter Museum of Art, Fort Worth, TX, March 30.


Moderator, “Creating in a Digital Sphere with Julio Salgado and Michael Menchaca,” ¡Printing the Revolution! Virtual Conversation Series, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Online, May 13.

Moderator, “Spirituality and Indigeneity within Chicanx Art with Yreina D. Cervántez and Enrique Chagoya,” ¡Printing the Revolution! Virtual Conversation Series, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Online, April 15.


Panelist, “Keywords: A Vocabulary of Empathy and Emotion,” Museums Association 2020 Conference, Online, November 4.

“Chicanx Artists and the Shareable Graphics Practice,” Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 5.


“LET’S GET WEIRD: The Puro Chingón Collective Release Party as Happening, Performance and Placemaking,” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 23

“Desert Visions: The Digital Eye and Augmented Reality Viewing in Zeke Peña’s A Nomad in Love,” Latino Art Now! 2019, University of Houston, Houston, TX, April 4-6.

Moderator, “Don’t Mess with Tejanas: Texan Feminist Artists and Zine Publishing as Resistance,” Latino Art Now! 2019, University of Houston, Houston, TX, April 4-6.


“Let’s Get Weird: El Mundo Zurdo as a Designer Toy,” El Mundo Zurdo: Borderlands 1987-2017,Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, May 17-19.

“Cholas on the Gram: LACMA’s Instagram Artist Residency and Guadalupe Rosales’ Chicana/o Digital Communities,” College Art Association, Los Angeles, CA, February 21-24.


"Keyword American, Art, Museum: Our America: The Latino Presence in   American Art," Digital Frontiers, Denton, TX, September 22.

“The Semiotics of the United Farm Workers: The 'Wrath of Grapes' campaign and the 'poisonous grapes’,”College Art Association, New York, NY, February 12-15.


Invited Speaker, "Latinx Matrix Artist Panel," Full Court Press Print Symposium, Corpus Christi, TX, October 6.

Invited Speaker, “Chingozine: D.I.Y. and alternative spaces for Latino artists," Society for Photographic Education Conference, Hunt, TX, October 15.

"Las postales de la serie Triple Ejecucion de Walter Horne: Muerte en la Frontera," Arte, Arquitectura, Politica en America Latina (s. XIX-XX), Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru, September 29.

Panelist, “Beyond the Elevator Pitch: Writing a Successful NEA Grant,” American Alliance of Museums, Washington D.C., May 28.


Co-Moderator, POC/Queer/Women in Zines, Staple! Independent Media   Expo, Austin, TX, March 8.


“Exhibiting Archives: The Mexican American and Latin@ Collections on Display,” The Mexican American Archival Enterprise at the Benson Latin American Collection: An Historical Appraisal, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, April 18-19.


“Bats in Pre-Columbian Art,” San Antonio Bat Symposium, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, October 14.


“Carmen Lomas Garza: Cultural Creations of Family and Remembrance,” Texas Art Education Conference, Austin Children’s Museum Austin, TX, November 10-13.


“The Transformation and Remembering of Coyolxauhqui in the Works of Alma Lopez,” National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies Annual Meetings, New Brunswick, NJ, April 8-12.

“Calakmul Women” Maya Meetings Conference Graduate Research Poster Session, Austin, TX, February 27.



“Latine/x and Chicanx Artists in Web3,” HAA 2023 Lecture Series: Art in the Longue Durée, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, May 18.

“Radical Printing Chicano and Latinx Graphics since 1965,” Art History Speaker Series, California State University, Stanislaus, Online, May 9. 

“Latine/x and Chicanx Artists in Web3,” University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Art History, Los Angeles, CA, May 2.

“Decolonizing Museums,” Charlene Villaseñor-Black University of California, Los Angeles, Departments of Art History and Chicana/o and Central American Studies, Los Angeles, April 17.

“The Texas Farm Workers Union (TFWU) in Chicano Art.” Chicano/a Art Humanities Lecture Series #8, Mexic-Arte Museum, Online, March 29.


INVITED ARTIST SPEAKER, "On Making (Art) Work: Latinx Art Production and Curatorial Practice, A Conversation with Claudia Zapata." Trinity College, Hartford, CT, May 6.

“Chicano Curatorial Methodologies and the Crisis Strategies of ¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.” Scratchpad Lecture Series, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, April 22.


¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” George Washington University, Corcoran School of the Arts & Design, Online, November 8.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Kenyon College, Department of Art History and American Studies, Online, October 28.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Amanda Guzman, Trinity College, Department of Anthropology, Online, September 20.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” The University of Vermont, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute-OLLI, Extended University, Online, July 21.

Co-speaker with E. Carmen Ramos, ¡Printing the Revolution! In Conversation with E. Carmen Ramos and Claudia Zapata,” PORTAL, The National Portrait Gallery, Online, July 13.

Co-speaker with E. Carmen Ramos, ¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” The University of Texas at El Paso, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute-OLLI, Extended University, Online, July 8.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Ondine Chavoya, Vassar College, Department of Art, Online, May 21.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Race & Social Justice in the Arts Speakers' Series, Texas Tech University, School of Art, Online, April 30.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Tess Korobkin, University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Online, April 27.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Nika Elder, American University, Department of Art, Online, April 22.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Julia Fernandez, Denison University, Department of Art History & Visual Culture, Online, April 8.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Ancient Worlds, Contemporary Selves Smithsonian Scholars Explore Intersectionality, Smithsonian Affiliations, Online,March 24.

Co-speaker with E. Carmen Ramos, ¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Paulina Banas, Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Department of Art History, Theory & Criticism, Online, March 9.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Rose Salseda, Stanford University, Department of Art & Art History, Online, March 3.

Co-speaker with E. Carmen Ramos, “¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Print Council of America, Online, February 25.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Robb Hernandez, English Department, Fordham University, Online, February 24.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Alma lopez, Department of Chicana/o and Central American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Online, January 12.


Claudia Zapata in conversation with Michael Menchaca,” El Museo del Barrio, Online, October 22.

Co-speaker with E. Carmen Ramos, “Urgent Images: Chicanx Graphic Arts, 1965—Now.” Print Study Day: Prints and Politics, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA) IFPDA, Online, October 9.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” J.V. Decemvirale, Museum Studies, Syracuse University, Online, October 1.

Co-speaker with E. Carmen Ramos, “¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now,” Archives of American Art, Washington, D.C., January 30.


INVITED artist SPEAKER, “Our Curated Scene: DIY Publishing, Zines & Archives Panel,” The Latinx Project, New York, NY, October 8




“Professional Development in the Arts,” Sandria Hu, Department of Art & Design, University of Houston-Clear Lake, May 5.

“Walter Horne's 'Triple Execution' Postcards: Death on the Border,"   Southern Methodist University, Clements Center Monthly Daytime Lecture Series, Dallas, TX, February 17.


Invited artist Speaker, "Puro Chingón Collective," Art as Activism, Gender and Sexuality Center Program, University of Texas at Austin, austin, TX, March 10.

“Walter Horne’s ‘Triple Execution’ Postcards: Death on the Border,” Research Day, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, February 25.


"Curators Getaway: Collecting Latin American Art" Houston Fine Art Fair, Houston, TX, September 19.

“Chicano Art,” Black Art, Brown Art: Contemporary African American, Latino, and Mexican American Art, Dr. Cherise Smith, Department of Art and Art History, University of Texas-Austin, Austin, TX, April 8.


“The Business of Art Lecture Series: Claudia Zapata: The Chicano Landscape,” Museum of the Southwest Lecture, Midland, TX, October 13.

Invited artist Speaker, "Puro Chingón Collective," POC Zine Riot Tour, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, October 6.

Invited artist Speaker, "Puro Chingón Collective," Hybrid Arts Summit at the Fusebox Festival, Austin, TX, April 20.


“The History of Day of the Dead” Sigma Lambda Beta’s Day of the Dead Celebration, University of Texas-Austin, Austin, TX, November 1.

“Curator’s Talk: The Road to 31K Portraits for Peace,” University of Texas-San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, September 8.


“Maize is our Life: Curatorial Presentation,” Mexican American Cultural Center, Austin, TX, April 11.           


“Mesoamerican Art,” Austin Community College, Anna Desormeaux, Austin, TX, December 1.  

“Gender and Art,” Mexican-American Cultural Center,  Austin, TX, June 23.                      

“Bats in Pre-Columbian Iconography,” Beyond Tradition Jewelry and Gallery, Austin, TX, August 20.                     


“Aztec and Maya Revival Exhibition,” University of Texas A&M at Kingsville, Kingsville, TX, June 25.



Panelist, “The Intersectional Impact of Frida Kahlo,” Ares in partnership with Mindr, Online, June 10.

Speaker, Graduate Workshop on Digital Humanities, Southern Methodist University, Department of Art History, April 12.

Speaker, Teen Council, Artpace, San Antonio, TX, ONLINE, April 6.


“Museum Career Workshop,” J.V. Decemvirale, Museum Studies, Syracuse University, Online, October 7.

Speaker, “Smithsonian Presents: Project Pride,” YouTube video, 2:02:24. May 31, 2020.

Panelist, Artist talk: A Sightlines/PrintAustin panel discussion, Big Medium, Austin, TX, February 15.


Speaker, Artist Toolkit Workshop, Creative Women’s Alliance, San Antonio, TX, February 3-4.


Panelist, Special Event: Politics in Latin American Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, September 5.

artist Panelist, New York Foundation for the Arts Immigrant Artist Mentorship Program Artist Discussion Panel, Centro des Artes, San Antonio, TX, August 7. (catalogue)

Gallery presenter, Smithsonian Pride, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., June 9.


Panelist, Navigating Queer Space: Intersectionality and Pride, Google, Austin, TX


artist Panelist, "Experiencing Artists' Books," Fine Arts Library, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, November 7.


Rally Speech Presenter, QueerBomb: LGBTQIA rally and procession, Austin, TX


Moderator, Artists Talk: Lady Works, Gallista Gallery, San Antonio, TX, March 24


Panelist, “A Nation of Fear: A Panel Discussion,” The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, October 19.    


Panelist, “Careers in Museums,” Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX


Visiting scholar and arts workshop leader, “El Tigre Art Camp with Santa Barraza,” University of Texas A&M at Kingsville, Kingsville, TX, June 22-26.

Lecture Coordinator and moderator, “Transnational Myths: Recontextualizing Cultural Iconographies with Alma Lopez,” PlaticArte Series held at The University of Texas at Austin, March 27.